Vehicle Electrical Works in Pärnu


Auto Lüliti OÜ

The main activity of Auto Lüliti OÜ is heavy and special equipment electrical work. In addition we perform repairs, maintenance, diagnostics and filling of air conditioners, rebuild machines and install accessories. We also sell, maintain and repair basket trucks.

Our competent technicians do everything necessary for the machine to work properly. Sometimes the machines need maintenance or repair on the created work sites- for that we have a service bus, which is to carry out the work at the customer’s place, sometimes abroad.


Our mission is to offer the customer quality service while being environmentally friendly and safe and a pleasant working environment for the employee.


The vision is to be an internationally known and valued service provider.

Operating principles

Honest administration
Environmental sustainability
High quality and best service

We follow the standards of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 and therefore own the certificate of Bureau Veritas.